Julien Boulanger


Phd student in mathematics
Institut Fourier

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I have defended my PhD in December 2023 under the supervision of Erwan Lanneau and Daniel Massart. From September 2024 onwards I will be a postdoc researcher at the Centro de Modelamiento matematico in Santiago de Chile.

I am interested in dynamics and geometry of surfaces. I specifically study translation surfaces and their Veech groups. My other mathematical interests include interval exchange transformations, continued fractions and Anosov dynamics. Here is my CV.

Publications and preprints:

  1. Central points of the double heptagon translation surface are not connection points. Bulletin de la SMF, Vol.150(2) (2022), pp. 459-472. See on arxiv . See on the SMF webpage

  2. There are no primitive Teichmüller curves in Prym(2,2), with Sam Freedman, 2022. Comptes rendus de l’académie des sciences. Volume 362 (2024), pp. 167-170. See on arxiv . See on the Comptes Rendus webpage

  3. Algebraic intersection in regular polygons, with Erwan Lanneau and Daniel Massart, 2022. To appear in Annales Henri Lebesgue . See on arxiv

  4. Algebraic intersection, lengths and Veech surfaces, 2023. Submitted for publication. See on arxiv

  5. Lower bound for KVol on the minimal stratum of translation surfaces, 2023. Submitted. see on arxiv

  6. A paper on KVol for translation surfaces made with convex polygons and Bouw-Möller surfaces is in preparation with I. Pasquinelli. It should appear on arxiv soon. See also Chapters 4 and 5 of my PhD thesis.

PhD defense

See the slides or the manuscript. Here is also a small explication of my work (which was meant for non-matematicians attending my PhD defense).